Learning Target:
- I can answer questions using the Law of Conservation of Mass/Matter
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- Warm-up: EVAPORATION (2min)
- A puddle of water slowly shrinks in the sun. After a few hours, the puddle has dried up completely. Is this an exception to the law of conservation of mass? Why or why not?
- Chemical Changes Pre-test: Google Classroom
- Ice in a Bag
- build a decomposition tube
- OR
- Elements, molecules, mixtures, and substances
- Legos, the building blocks of stuff
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can use observations and measurements to support the Law of Conservation of Mass/Matter
HOWLs Target:
- I ask questions to deepen my understanding.
- Warm-up: HMMMM SUGAR (2min)
- A glass of unsweetened lemonade weighs 255
grams. A spoonful of sugar is weighed before
stirring it into the lemonade. The sugar weighs 25
- Predict how much you think the sweetened lemonade will
weigh after you stir in the sugar. Explain you reasoning.
- sugar in lemonade

- Claim:
- Physical Changes
- Law of Conservation of Mass
- Ice in a Bag
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can use observations and measurements to support the __________________
HOWLs Target:
- I treat all property with care.
Learning Target:
- I can make a film canister float sink, float, and suspend
HOWLs Target:
- I keep working until the task is complete.
- Why do big boats float?

- Splitting the catch. Sometimes it’s the fishing boats that look for the killer whales and humpbacks, hoping to locate the shoals of herring that migrate to these Arctic Norwegian waters. But in recent winters, the whales have also started to follow the boats. Here a large male killer whale feeds on herring that have been squeezed out of the boat’s closing fishing net. He has learnt the sound that this type of boat makes when it retrieves its gear and homed in on it. The relationship would seem to be a win-win one, but not always. Whales sometimes try to steal the fish, causing damage to the gear, and they can also become entangled in the nets, sometimes fatally, especially in the case of humpbacks. The search for solutions is under-way, including better systems for releasing any whales that get trapped. #© Audun Rikardsen / Wildlife Photographer of the Year
- float, sink, and suspend
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can use physical properties to determine the best material for a job
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- Warm-up: CLARIFY (2min)
- Even if you agree with someone, why would it be useful to challenge their ideas or ask them "What do you mean?"
- copper vs. wood:
- Which would be the best material for making a small toy boat for a child to play with?
- 2 properties why your choice is best
- 1 property why the other choice is not as good
- Quicktime Player to record audio of discussion
- A - would copper or wood be a better material to make a toy boat for a child's toy?
- B - ___________________ would be a better material.
- A - Why would _____________ be a better material?
- B - _____________ would be a better material because...
- A - Ask your partner to clarify their ideas.
- What do you mean by ________________?
- Can you explain more?
- B - respond
- A - I agree that ______________________ would be a better material because…
- OR
- A - I disagree that ______________________ would be a better material because…
- B- Ask your partner to clarify their ideas.
- What do you mean by ________________?
- Can you explain more?
- A - respond
- submit in google classroom as a pair with a comment about what worked and what did not
- My salt and pepper got mixed up. I want my pepper back.
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can demonstrate understanding of physical properties
HOWLs Target:
- I take initiative for my learning.
- Quiz on physical properties, Friday 11/18
Learning Target:
- I can use physical properties to determine the best material for a job
HOWLs Target:
- I demonstrate positive and kind behavior.
- Warm-up: DENSITY #2 (2min)
- My boys were arguing about floating wood. They both know that a 300g chunk of wood (pine) is less dense than water and will float. Paul says that even a 300,000g chunk of wood (pine) will float. Peter says it's too heavy. Who is correct and why?
- glass vs. wood:
- Which material would be better to make a cup that you could set on a rock near a fire to keep your hot chocolate warm in?
- chemical properties
- copper vs. wood:
- Which would be the best material for making a small toy boat for a child to play with?
Relevant reading:
- Quiz on physical properties, Friday 11/18
Learning Target:
- I can use physical properties to determine the best material for a job
HOWLs Target:
- I demonstrate positive and kind behavior.
- Warm-up: DENSITY (4min)
- Calculate the density for the following two objects
- a piece of glass with a mass of 25g and a volume of 10mL.
- a 50g piece of wood that takes up 100mL of space
- glass vs. wood:
- Which material would be better to make a cup that you could set on a rock near a fire to keep your hot chocolate warm in?
- chemical properties
Relevant reading:
- Quiz on physical properties, Friday 11/18
Learning Target:
- I can state if an object will conduct heat or electricity
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- Warm-up: MAGNETS? (2min)
- Could magnetism be a physical property of matter? Why or why not?
- glass vs. wood:
- conducting heat
- conducting electricity
- Which material would be better to make a cup that you could set on a rock near a fire to keep your hot chocolate warm in?
- chemical properties
Relevant reading:
- Quiz on physical properties, Friday 11/18
Learning Target:
- I can calculate density
- I can describe the physical properties of a substance.
HOWLs Target:
- I am prepared for learning.
- Warm-up: DENSITY (2min)
- Which is more dense: a 50ml balloon filled with air or a 50ml balloon filled with water? Explain or diagram your reasoning.
- physical properties
- density notes
- What is the density of a brick that has a mass of 100 grams and a volume of 50 cm3?
- What if I break the brick in half?
- other physical properties
- glass vs. wood:
- Which material would be better to make a cup that you could set on a rock near a fire to keep your hot chocolate warm in?
- chemical properties
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can describe the physical properties of a substance.
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- The green dots are trees. How would it be different if you were standing in the red box vs. the yellow box vs. blue box?

- A spiral trail to the rim, then down to the crater floor of Capulin Volcano at Capulin Volcano National Monument, New Mexico. #
- measuring density - class discussion
- ream of paper - teacher demonstration
- physical properties - class reading
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I understand how to have a career in science
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- Amy Blakeley, PhD
- Associate Research Fellow
- sappi paper
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can measure and calculate the density of an object
HOWLs Target:
- I keep working until the task is complete.
- Warm-up: WILL IT SINK OR FLOAT? (2min)
- Use the materials at your table to make a prediction on whether the two objects will sink or float. Explain your reasoning using what you know about particle motion.
- measuring density
- student A - volume of rectangular solid
- student B - volume of irregular solid
- student A - gather materials
- student B - clear table
- work in pairs to measure, calculate, and test
- alternate recorder and measurer
- ream of paper
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can define physical property and chemical property
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- Warm-up: PROPERTIES (2min)
- Which would you use to make a bridge, wood or copper? Explain your thinking.
- observation game
- 1st object: record as many observations/facts about the object in 2min
- switch objects
- 2nd object: record as many observations/facts about the object in 2min
- compare notes
- any similar observations - √
- any unique observations - circle
- What is a property of matter?
- physical property vs. chemical property
- Questions for presenter
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can describe how changing energy controls the water cycle
HOWLs Target:
- I can self-assess to improve.
Learning Target:
- (same as yesterday) I can describe how changing energy controls the water cycle
HOWLs Target:
- (same as yesterday) I can self-assess to improve.
- Warm-up: WORK DAY #2 (2min)
- It's another work day for the water particle journey. Get supplies and get started.
- Water cycle particle journey - google classroom
- Zion Learning Portfolio
- Samples of work from science
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can describe how changing energy controls the water cycle
HOWLs Target:
- I can self-assess to improve.
- Warm-up: WORK DAY (2min)
- It's a work day for the water particle journey. Get supplies and get started.
- Water cycle particle journey - google classroom
- Zion Learning Portfolio
- Samples of work from science
Relevant reading:
Learning Target:
- I can describe the role of changing energy controls the water cycle
HOWLs Target:
- I am prepared for learning.
- Warm-up: WATER CYCLE (2min)
- Why does the water cycle happen?
- Water cycle particle journey - google classroom
- Zion Learning Portfolio
- Samples of work from science
Relevant reading: