Learning Target:
- I can demonstrate my understanding of states of matter and changes in state.
HOWLs Target:
- I demonstrate positive and kind behavior.
- Warm-up: RIME ICE (2min)
- What phase change happened to cause the ice structure below? Was energy added or taken away from the water particles? And, what direction was the wind blowing?

- turn in water particle journey
- test
- independent study
- go do extraordinary acts of kindness
Learning Target:
- I can start to write an introduction to my independent study
HOWLs Target:
- I take initiative for my learning.
- What is the purpose of the introduction to a piece of non-fiction writing? What makes a good introduction?

- A long-time exposure shows a lightning storm and the reddish glow of molten lava, which flows from the Piton de la Fournaise, one of the world's most active volcanoes, on the French Indian Ocean Réunion Island on February 3, 2017. # Gilles Adt / Reuters
- Introduction
- Google Classroom
- states of matter and changes of state test: Class A - Thursday, Class BCD - Friday
Learning Target:
- I can describe how the amount of energy of a particle changes through the water cycle
HOWLs Target:
- I take initiative for my learning.
- Warm-up: WATER CYCLE #2 (2min)
- Why does the water cycle work?
- test review
- Kahoot
- resources
- ck-12
- cards notetaker
- notes in notebook
- water particle journey: final version for a final grade
- exceeds for states of matter - force of attraction description throughout
- states of matter and changes of state test: Class A - Thursday, Class BCD - Friday
Learning Target:
- I can describe the journey of a water particle through the water cycle
- Warm-up: WATER CYCLE (2min)
- Properties of Matter
- types of matter
- states of matter
- Scientific Communication
- water particle journey
- states of matter and changes of state test: Class A - Thursday, Class BCD - Friday
Learning Target:
- I can describe what is happening to the particles in a sample as the temperature increases
HOWLs Target:
- I participate in my classroom and community.
- Warm-up: ENERGY (2min)
- What phase changes occur when energy is added?
- Hey kids, music
- diagraming the phase change
- a candle
- ___________to____________
- rubbing alcohol demo
- ___________to____________to____________
- clouds
- ___________to____________to____________
- for Tre
Learning Target:
- I can collect information and ask new questions about that information
HOWLs Target:
- I treat all property with care.
- That's pretty, any idea what it is?
Eye of Stokksnes. First Place, Carolyn Mitchum Award and Highest Scoring Gigapixel Image, photographed in Iceland. #
- independent research
Learning Target:
- I can describe what is happening to the particles in a sample as the temperature increases
HOWLs Target:
- I treat all property with care.
- Warm-up: CONDENSATION (2min)
- What are the particles doing during condensation?
- completing boiling
- matching cards and completing worksheet
- rubbing alcohol demo
- clouds?
Learning Target:
- I can describe what is happening to the particles in a sample as the temperature increases
HOWLs Target:
- I treat all property with care.
- Warm-up: BOILING (2min)
- What is vaporization? How is vaporization different from evaporation?
- Make a list of safety expectations for a lab that involves boiling water.
- boiling water:
- Water boils (vaporization) at 100 ºC. If I heat liquid water, will the temperature continue to rise, stop rising, or go down when the water begins to vaporize?
- procedure on hand out
- 3a gather materials
- 1a return materials
- 2b and 4b recorder
- work in pairs to answer questions
- matching cards and completing worksheet
Learning Target:
- I can describe the particle motion and spacing of solids, liquids, and gases
HOWLs Target:
- I demonstrate positive and kind behavior.
- Warm-up: (2min)
- A balloon full of air is placed on a chair. Which of the following statements about the atoms and molecules of the chair and the atoms and molecules of the air in the balloon is TRUE?
- A.The atoms and molecules of both the chair and the air in the balloon are moving.
- B.The atoms and molecules of both the chair and the air in the balloon are not moving.
- C.The atoms and molecules of the chair are not moving, and the atoms and molecules of the air in the balloon are moving.
- D.The atoms and molecules of the chair are moving, and the atoms and molecules of the air in the balloon are not moving.
- Explain your choice.
- States of Matter Assessment
- After the test
- Independent Research using organizer
- State of Matter extension research
Learning Target:
- I can label all the transitions between states of matter
HOWLs Target:
- I keep working until the task is complete.
- Which has particles with more energy, the liquid water or the solid water? Why will the solid water eventually melt into the liquid water?

A penguin stands atop an iceberg in Antarctica on November 17, 2006. # Reuters
- Ck-12 Changes of State
- phase change sort
- notes on handout/taped into notebook
- States of Matter assessment #1: A-Thursday, BCD-Friday
Learning Target:
- I can label all the transitions between states of matter
HOWLs Target:
- I keep working until the task is complete.
- Warm-up: FREEZING (2min)
- What does it mean to freeze something?
- Ck-12 Changes of State
- phase change sort
- notes on handout/taped into notebook
- States of Matter assessment #1: A-Thursday, BCD-Friday