- I can describe the strengths of my science class community
- I participate in my classroom and community by listening, looking, suggesting, and trying.
- Warm-up: SCIENCE CLASS (2min)
- What should a well functioning science class look, smell, and sound like on a good day?
- Classroom mini-tour
- Build a tower
- objective: be the class with the tallest tower
- materials: scrap paper, ruler, scissors, pencil, heavy paper
- rules:
- tower can be made from only one piece of paper
- no tape, glue, staples, gum, spit, etc. can be used to stick pieces of paper together
- tower must be free standing for 10 seconds (or long enough to be measured by official measurer)
- towers can be measured more than once, the highest version will be counted
- timing:
- 5 minutes of planning
- deep breath
- 20 minutes of building
- What Went Well? (WWW?)
- individual
- table group
- report out
- Strengths of class: Our class can ...
- gather supplies (a notebook, a mess of pencils, a folder)